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Tips for Shampoo and Conditioner Shopping

Have you stood in the store, staring at the shelves, wondering,”what in the world should I be looking for in a shampoo and conditioner?”

You probably aren’t alone.

It’s a never-ending cycle of new products, specialty products, products that make strong claims, simple products, etc.

These are a few tips to consider when shopping for shampoo and conditioner.

1. Your shampoo and conditioner is very, very important. It’s how you prep your hair for styling, and what can maintain health and strength in your hair. I would argue that it’s one of the most important products you can use on your hair.

2. Consider what your stylist recommends. Your stylist probably has more than just you as a client, and has seen plenty of different hair textures, colors, wave patterns, etc., and he/she should be able to recommend a good set based on your hair. Trust her judgement. 

3. Know your hair. Does it feel like straw? Does the color fade quicker than normal? Are your ends extremely knotty and your roots oily? Diagnosing any hair issues can help you narrow down where to begin the search.

4. Trial and Error. Purchase products at a store that allows returns. You have no idea how your hair will respond to a new duo, so you may want to return it if it’s not the right fit. 

5. Don’t feel locked in to matching the shampoo with conditioner. For a long time, I shampoo’d with a volumizing conditioner, and conditioned with a hydrating conditioner. I wanted lift in my hair, but needed the moisture. Mix and match based on your needs.


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